~ W H A T . A . M E S S Y . L I F E . T H I S . I S ~

At the juncture where everything looks uncertain, bleak, gloomy... there seems to be no joy... My life is in a MESS! OH FUCK!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Happily Single & Loving It

Elize Dont ask me why but answer me,
do you have a gf?

Me Happily single and loving it. Why?

Elize Wanna introduce someone to you.

Me Oh thanks... but no thanks...

Elize But what if my friend like you
at first sight? Haha.

Me You must be kidding!

Mmm. If only Elize's friend is a hunk!

Better Version Of Me - Fiona Apple

Friday, January 27, 2006

Doggie Style

My SMS alert went off.
For this dog year,
to get maximum
luck n happiness,
must use dog style
more often. Happy
Doggy Year !

Mmm what can i say?
Press on my reply...
When do you wanna
ride me baby? =)

Extraodinary Machine - Fiona Apple

Thursday, January 26, 2006

FRANK Part 1

Gay Banker was telling me to be aware
if i am thinking of getting a foreign bf.
Here's a link he sent.

Incidently, i started going out with a gwei lo
few weeks ago.We met at a chatroom and
he immediately asked me out for a dinner
the next day. Brought me to a nice Italian
restaurant. He was such a gentleman. Had
one great evening... and what a night it was
at his place =) I felt totally at ease with this

And after we kissed goodbye on that night,
he sent texted me:
XXX, it was really
nice to have met u.
Have a good night
and see u soon.

See u soon? How soon is soon?

And a few days after that i was bitching to
Celina about Frank. At that point of time
i was pretty sure he wouldn't call again.
I dont know why... but i just had this feeling.
Well, hell! I dont care if he doesnt call...

Always In My Head - India.Arie

A Shitty Day

Bad day.

I feel so unworthy and unappreciated.

How can some people be so selfish?

Not About Love - Fiona Apple

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Interview by Gay Banker

A week or two ago, i asked to be interviewed by
Gay Banker, a man who says that 'A monogamous
lifestyle doesn’t suit me...' Sigh! How can i even
read something that i don't agree with. No offence
GB, i do enjoy your confessions =)

In fact, reading your post on the interview questions,
got me a little emotional. Mmm GB, i swear that i
will kill you if you ask anything about him! Haha.
Thank god you didn't. Those are something i'd
rather sweep under the carpet. And i hope i didn't
sound wicked... i'll need to write in my next post.

So here are the questions (and answers):

Question 1
When Anwar Ibrahim was convicted of sodomy

in Malaysia 6 years ago, I was left with the impression
that Malaysia must be a terrible place for gay guys
to live. So what is it like to be a gay man in Malaysia
these days?

That was 6 years ago? It was like ages ago to me.
I was and am never into politics, but how can you
not have a heart for a fallen man?

Well life as gay man (or boy) here isnt that bad.

Yes, the law still forbids us from fucking, sucking,
or perform any acts that are unnatural. But can
they stop us? I dont think so.

The pink industry is blooming like wild flowers.
There are so many gay clubs, discos, hangouts.
Many I have never heard of or been to (I'm a
homely person). And many places you go, you
can see lots of gays around.

Question 2
Your profile admits that you behave like a 15 year old.

So what do you want to be when you grow up?

Dear GB, i behave like a 15 year old... but i am,
unfortunately all grown up. But i refused to grow up.
Erm... am i making any sense here? Anyway, when
i was a cute (still am, i hope) little skinny boy, i had
always wanted to be a doctor, or a singer.

Of course, i am neither... and i cant sing to save
my life! But music is still a very important aspect
of my life.

Question 3
How out are you as a gay man to all your friends,
family, and work colleagues?

Not many of my straight friends know. I came out to
a few close friends few years back, when i was
having some relationship problems, and they have
been very supportive since then.

Have not come out to family yet. But i think mom
knows but cant accept it. My family is very
conservative when it comes to sexuality.

I really want to come out to all my friends. So that
i can be myself, be as free as i can be. Act as
bitchy like when i was with my best friends. But
when i think of my family, i had to hold back. I just
hope one day i will have the courage to talk to mom
about it, but i dont wanna hurt her. I love her too
much to bring her any more pain.

Question 4
Your blogger name implies that your life is a mess!
So can you name just one thing that you're going
to do in 2006 to sort your life out?

I hate you GB! Why must you ask such difficult
question? Question that made my head ache
thinking about it?

... after much thought, and headaches...

Get a really nice bf who can cuddle me to sleep
everynite so that i wont have anymore sleepless

GB... can i have more than 1?

Question 5
It's sweet that your mom still does your washing.
Perhaps you're still living with your parents. In any
case, can you describe your ideal home?

A small condo unit very high up, in a quiet
surrounding where i live alone, and have my
best friends bunk over the weekends.

I won't have any furniture, but lots of pillows
on the floor! Lots of photos of people i love.
And an aquarium full of beautiful fishes.
Oh yeah, my tortoises too.

Phew... finally i am done! Thanks GB! Mmm do
you think you can try being monogamous? =)

Want to play? The Official Interview Games Rules:
+ If you want to participate, leave a comment
below saying, "interview me".
+ I will respond by asking you five questions

- each persons will be different.
+ You will update your journal/blog with the

answers to the questions.
+ You will include this explanation and an offer

to interview others in the same post.
+ When others comment asking to be interviewed,

you will ask them five questions.

One and Only - Mariah feat Twista

Saturday, January 21, 2006


After watching Climax Expression, let's move
to the topic MASTURBATION.

Just the other day, a chat friend was asking
How often do you masturbate in a week?

Mmm. So how do i answer that? Are we not
getting a little personal? Well, i thought maybe
i should be more open about it!

It depends. Sometimes every day. Sometimes
twice ot three times. It really depends...

So, how many times is okay? I have heard
people saying masturbation can cause
blindness. Mmm... how many people do not
jerk off? Even those in relationship do it!
Now, don't you?

When i was in my last relationship, i did it too,
but not as often. So why do people still jerk off
when they have a partner?

I do not know about the others, but probably
its cos they are two different things to me.
Yes, sex with your boyfriend may be great,
but for masturbation, you do it at your own
pace, when you feel like it... any way you
want it. =)

Girls! Girls! Girls! - Liz Phair

Climax Expression

this is sexy...

Friday, January 20, 2006

...But I Don't Feel The Same

Hello dear. How's ur
day?Mm, mayb ths
phrase is a cliche bt
i jz want u 2 knw
tht I Miss U.

When you get the above sms,
you should be feeling happy,
i guess. But this wasn't the case.

I have known him for more than
5 years. We do not meet often
as he was in another city most
of the time... and i wasn't interested
anyway... he's not my cup of tea.

But this guy is so persistent. In the
past five years, he has never stop
pursuing me, calling me and sending
me sms. But most of the calls are
unanswered and the sms are not
replied to. Yes, sometimes i do
feel bad about it, but i feel this is the
best way to deal with it.

I can see that he tried very best to
make me happy... to the extend that
i feel quilty that he has to go through

Love just isn't fair sometimes...

Fuck and Run - Liz Phair

Underwear Test

I was looking for the lyrics to Emmylou Harris'
A Love That Will Never Grow Old when the
search brought me to
The Governor's Domain.

Yes, i got what i was searching for. The words
to the hauntingly beautiful love song. I also came
across a funnt test... The Underwear Test. I did it,
and here's what the result shows:

What Your Underwear Says About You

You're a total rebel who doesn't conform to any rules. P.S. - It's a jungle down there!

You're also way too lazy to do your laundry more than a few times a year.

Total rebel? Nope i dont think so. Not total! But
i am quite notorious for not giving if a person is
too pushy or demanding!

Laundry? What laundry? I love you mom!

A Love That Will Never Grow Old - Emmylou Harris

Monday, January 16, 2006

Me Robin???

Was reading some blogs... and came across
this test on Naked Boy's blog. Haha funny, but
very interesting. Did the test, and I'm ROBIN!
Which sounded quite true except that acrobatic bit!

Interestingly, I didn't have one prominent result
where one character really stood out. Anyway i
was hopping i could be catwoman... or at least
wonder woman... but tough luck =)

It's My Life - No Doubt
It was playing over and over on Naked Boy's blog!

Your results:
You are Robin




Green Lantern




The Flash

Wonder Woman

Iron Man

Young and acrobatic.
You don't mind stepping aside
to give someone else glory.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

New Year Resolution

Nadia So whats your new year resolution?

Me Erm, i dont make new year resolution anymore.

Nadia Y not?

Me Given up on that long time ago.

I remember when i was a cute little boy (mmm i think
the word cute still applies today haha), i used to make
resolution every new year.

There was a year where i wrote down all my resolutions
on tiny stripes of coloured papers and folded them into
stars. Silly huh?

Year in year out, new year resolutions do not seem to
work for me. So i guess i'll just forget about them and
take one day at a time.

Not About Love - Fiona Apple


Mimi is back!
2005 is the year of Mariah!
The year she was finally... emancipated!


When the album came out I was so excited,
as always when she put out an album. But
never did i expect it to be so big... that it is
the US biggest selling album in 2005, selling
almost 5million copies. Amazing!

The album is so good that it is still constantly
on my playlist after more than half a year!

You go, gurl!

Don't Forget About Us (Remix) - Mariah

Sunday, January 15, 2006

2 0 0 6

Went to Bintang for the 2006 countdown.
Was really looking forward to it, as this will
be our (Allen, Yew & myself) first countdown
together after few years... maybe 3 or 4?

Also, cos we were exchanging our x-mas gifts.
Yes... its 31st... but cos one of us couldn't make
it so we saved it for New Year's Eve.

We had dinner at McD, then went for coffee at
Dome. Well the service sucked. Yes, it was
fucking crowded... but that didn't mean you
can compromise on your service.

Anyway we had a great time and i hope the
new year will be great to all three of us... 2005
was a bad year for us all...

Illegal - Shakira

Countdown or Not?

On 30 Dec 2005...

Yew Tomorrow we go dinner and exchange
our x-mas gifts okay?

Me Okay, but what about midnite countdown?

Yew Dont want la, sure traffic jam and crowded.

Me Then just cancel la.

Sensing that i was disappointed, Yew eventually
agreed to do countdown. Not that i am a demanding
bitch (or bi-atch as Yew calls me sometimes) but
we have not done countdown for the past few years
and we didn't even meet on X-mas!

Fuck and Run - Liz Phair

Post X-mas

I have been lazy... really really lazy...
at least in updating my blog.

Anyway, continuing from where i left,
i did in fact receive some very nice and
thoughtful x'mas gifts after all. But they
all came after 25th. =) and from three
very close friends.

I feel blessed...

L.O.V.E. - Ashlee Simpson
i can't believe i am so into ashlee now... haha